Monday, November 27, 2006

Using RMI over SSL authentication for application-level access control

Nice article about how to use RMI over SSL

SSH without password

1 ssh-keygen -t rsa

This will generate the pub key and private keys

Now copy the to the .ssh directory of the remote host you want to logon to as authorized_keys

2 scp

that'a all

Now try to login the remote server as

3 ssh It should not ask you a password.

For more details refer to

The correct command for copying pub key is scp Remote Server Name :.ssh/authorized_keys

Ruby on Rails tutorial

Recently I am getting facinated by this technology.

Sharing a link of best tutorials for learning Ruby.

Difference between the wisdom and intelligence

Huff !
Seems to very confusing right ?
Same reaction from mine first time !
When I googled I found very nice thought from the different people. I would give 10/10 for this blog.
He tells how meditation can be used to increase your wisdom and letter the most important
"Common Sense " which is very uncommon.